Spectral and time multiplexed continuous variable quantum information

By Valentina Parigi, Sorbonne Université

  • Event Type: Seminar
  • Date and Time: 02/27/2024 3:00 pm - 02/27/2024 4:00 pm
  • Location: Willamette 240D
Special Day and Time

Spectral- and time-multiplexing are currently explored to generate large multipartite quantum states of light for quantum technologies. In the continuous variable approach, where the information is encoded in the quadratures of bosonic fields, we exploit the deterministic generation of scalable entangled states, that requires the generation of a scalable number of squeezed modes. We recently demonstrate the generation of frequency and pulse-by-pulse multiplexed squeezed states that can be used as building blocks for scalable structures.  We explore possible strategies to implement CV quantum information protocols in such platform, including simulations on quantum complex environment and reservoir computing.