Research Groups

Our research groups are led by faculty members who specialize in various areas of optical molecular and quantum research. Each faculty member has a team of one or more graduate and postdoc students who have the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research under the supervision of our skilled and talented scientists. 

We study the physics of nanometer-scale systems like carbon nanotubes and graphene, and quantum systems in solids, like the nitrogen vacancy spin qubit (quantum bit) in diamond and the artificial atoms in hexagonal boron nitride.
The Oregon Ions Group develops techniques and hardware for trapped-ion quantum computing and precision measurement. More details can be found on our website:  
Jeffrey Cina’s research focuses on theoretical aspects of ultrafast spectroscopy, primarily in application to molecular systems in condensed phases. Current areas of investigation include (i) strategies to elucidate molecular processes in many-body systems triggered and probed by ultrashort laser pulses, (ii) techniques to prepare and measure quantum super-positions of classically dissimilar vibrational states and the subsequent degradation of their quantum phase coherence, and (iii) possible approaches to the control of molecular nuclear motion with shaped pulse sequences.
The Marcus group develops and applies novel optical and spectroscopic methods to study a range of biophysical problems. These include the conformational changes of biomolecular machines as they interact with and manipulate DNA, the coherent motions of optically excited electronic-vibrational quantum states in coupled molecular networks, and the properties of quantum entangled photon pairs used to excite molecules.
Electrons in quantum superpositions of electrons  Qubits, the building blocks for quantum computers, involve a quantum system being placed in a superposition of two states of being. Normally, an interaction
M.S. (Physics), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1999 (Yu. E. Lozovik). Ph.D. (Chemistry), UC Irvine, 2007 (Wilson Ho). Postdoctoral: Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2007-2010 (Peter W. Sutter). Honors and Awards: NSF CAREER Award, 2015; Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2008; E.K.C. Lee Award, UC Irvine, 2005; Chancellor's award for academic excellence, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1999.
The Nguyen group focuses on developing new electron microscopy techniques for condensed matter systems.  This includes progressing computational imaging with electron ptychography, artificial intelligence and machine learning and experimental approaches to probe emergent topological, magnetic and ferroelectric systems in-situ at Helium temperatures for future microelectronics, spintronics and quantum information technologies.  Website: 
Briefly, my interests are in quantum chaos and semiclassical physics applied to microcavity optics, as well as the optical and transport properties of mesoscopic systems. The work is theoretical in nature, involving both analytical and numerical modelling of physics and engineering related problems.
Follow this link for descriptions of Raymer’s research, research group, and public engagement activities.Michael G. Raymer’s research focuses on the quantum mechanics of light and its interaction with atoms and molecules, with applications in nonlinear optics, quantum communications technology, and quantum information. His current research includes work to develop a quantum Internet, quantum-enabled satellite communications, and quantum-enhanced telescopes.
Experimental Quantum Physics
Daniel Steck’s research interests are rooted in the physics of ultracold atoms.  In particular, he is interested in problems that cross over into the subject of nonlinear dynamical systems, a fascinating, interdisciplinary area.  The intersection of these two areas addresses a range of problems  from nonlinear behavior, such as pattern formation and solitonic propagation, to controlling quantum systems and quantum chaos.  The arena for these experiments in quantum nonlinear dynamical systems is atom optics, where ultracold atoms can be subjected to essentially arbitrary
Steven van Enk’s research focuses on the theoretical study of quantum-optical implementations of quantum-information-processing (QIP) protocols. He is mainly interested in quantum communication protocols such as teleportation and quantum cryptography. These protocols can all be implemented using photons or, more generally, entangled states of light. Van Enk’s group studies the properties of various types of entangled states of light, how they can be used for QIP, how they decohere under typical experimental conditions, and how they should be described properly.
Our group explores quantum optical phenomena of solid state systems, including spins in diamond, excitons in semiconductors, and mechanical excitations in microspheres and nanobeams. We develop new experimental techniques for the manipulation of spins, excitons, and mechanical excitations via optical interactions. The emphasis is on the understanding, control, and possible application of quantum coherence and entanglement in these systems.
My lab focuses on RNA, which performs a plethora of different functions in the cell by folding into specific structures and interconverting between different structures. We use a variety of biophysical techniques to probe the structures and dynamics of systems ranging from isolated RNAs to large RNA-protein complexes. We have been using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy to probe the folding of RNA that has been labeled with fluorescent analogues of the native bases A, C, G and U.
Photovoltaic and optoelectronic materials are often assembled from nanoscale building blocks, such as small organic molecules, quantum dots, or polymers. Different methods can be used to put these building blocks together, but one of the most common and cost-effective methods is deposition from a solution. As solvent evaporates, the individual building blocks get closer together, start to interact, and end up in particular physical arrangements.